Across generations, our legacy has shown Black communities at the forefront of resilience and endurance - the will to stand up for our families’ wellbeing and that of the next generation. We recognize and acknowledge the social injustices and socio-economic disparities throughout time that is embedded in our history and how it affects the fabric of our lives today.
But despite any obstacle, our families, communities, and children continue to stand in the light - unafraid and unapologetic. We ask questions to seek wisdom. We call for transparency to hold those accountable. And especially during these times of COVID, our unwavering character is our strength.
As a Black-led organization, we walk and pursue with you. Whether in search for answers about COVID-19 or in need of resources like testing and vaccinations; through our Sleeves Up AZ Campaign, we have your back. We understand firsthand, our success is because you and we commit our work to ensuring you have the allies you deserve.
So get your SLEEVES UP, ARIZONA. Together, we’ll win this fight.